Sunday, March 3, 2013

To him..

I want you to know that everything that I said to you, I meant. The 'I love yous' and the 'Marry me' and the 'Forever and always' meant the world to me. I don't know what I did to make you want to leave without a word. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I try and try to forget about you but I just can't. You are always on my mind, in everything that I do, every song or movie there you are reminding me just how wonderful it was to have you. Out of all the people in the world, out of everyone that I've loved why did it have to be you to rip my heart to shreds? You were supposed to be my prince charming. We were supposed to get married and have kids and live happily ever after. How could you do this to me? Was it all just a big lie? Did you ever love me like you said you did? I hope that one day I can forgive you and never think about you like this. I hope that I find someone who can show me what it really feels like to be loved. One day we will cross paths and I'll look at you and you'll look at me and I'll smile, reminding you of how wonderful your life could have been with me. Life will go on and you and I will just be part of a horrible past that I never wish upon anybody. I did love you with all my heart, with everything in me. I hope you have found peace and someone to love better than you did me. Good luck in everything that you do. 

Love the girl you once called 'Angel'

Monday, October 22, 2012


I wish I could write out everything thats running through my mind right now, but for some odd reason I never can. Everything comes out all jumbled and NEVER makes sense. So tonight I am going to try. Haha so bear with me as I try to say (write) what is going through this thing we call a brain.

For about a week or so I've been reading the book Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul. And no I am not in a relationship I just decided to read it in case one day I actually get in one. Its full of stories that make you laugh, and cry, and just go awww. It has all sorts of quotes from different people about love, for example Gottfried Wilhelm Van Lubreitz said, "To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another." Seriously? How cute is that (: Its followed by this story of how in a marriage you should never ever keep a scorecard. In it the Mother says this to her daughter, "You see in a marriage, there is no scorecard. You do little things for eachother to make the other's life easier. If you think of it as helping the person you love, you don't become annoyed with doing the laundry or cooking, or any task, because you're doing it out of love." Again seriously

This is whats been on mind. What kind of wife and mother am I going to be?  I'd like to be the wife everyone talks about, you know the kind you want to hate but can't cause she is SO DANG AWESOME! I'd like to be the wife that encourages the use of the priesthood in her home. I'd like to be like the mom in the story and not keep a scorecard. I want to do the little things for him because I love him and because he does so much for me. I'd like to be the COOLEST mom out there. The mom that all kids want to be around because she is so chill (: I'd like to be the kind of mom that teaches her children the Gospel, who has family home eveing, who lets her children know how much their mother loves them. I know I won't be perfect, but a girl can strive right? All I know is that with the help of my Heavenly Father, I will be the best wife and mom I can be. If I let him lead and guide my life then I will have no worries. My marriage will be a marriage full of laughter and smiles and love.  As long as He is our foundation then what do I have to lose? I am sooo lucky to have that. To have all of these answers to the questions I have, like what kind of wife and mother am I going to be? I am so thankful for parents who have shown me the type of marriage I want! They are for reals the cutest parents out there! I love them to death! So thanks Mom and Dad for being such wonderful examples! You guys rock! Now that I have written what is on my mind hopefully it all makes sense. Maybe a little jumbled but thats how it is in my wonderful mind (:

Until next time lovlies <3

Just a quick hello (:

Hello my lovlies! I am going to start this here blogging thing, although I don't have much to say, I thought what the heck everyone else is doing it?! I also wanted to feel cool and post "My Blog" on facebook. So my very fist blog is just a hello and a PLEASE read my blog so I can feel better about myself (: